HEADS Up (Hatfield Embraces Acceptance and Dismantles Stigma) is a grassroots group dedicated to transforming our town into a model community committed to educating, liberating, and protecting the mental health of all residents. We know that systemic and institutional racism hurts everyone. Institutional racism, microaggressions, racial profiling, and other human indignities contribute to trauma and health inequities: a direct threat to mental health.
Hatfield is a small town of 3,300 people, 3% of whom the 2020 US census identifies as “People of Color”. As a farming community we also interact with immigrant and migrant workers who live within our borders. We all have a responsibility to understand, learn and grow past personal bias and address the systemic racism so that our community can be welcoming and proud of how we represent ourselves during this pivotal time in US history. Director-General of UNESCO Audry Azoulay has stated, “Discrimination against one is discrimination against all”; institutional racism hurts our entire community.
We at HEADS Up, therefore, call for action to address systemic racism prevalent throughout our society’s institutions and support racial justice and deep reform of law enforcement practices. Institutional racism has contributed to the deaths of numerous People of Color, and perpetuates inequality and white privilege. We know that we must engage in dialogue about our personal biases and find ways to connect and learn together in ways that broaden all of our lives. Importantly, we must take bold steps and actions to address institutional racism so that real change is effected. Further, we must support others who protest to advance change. Their actions are healthy expressions of our democracy and life-affirming responses to the scourge of institutional and casual racism.
We can do better. We must be better.
HEART’s mission statement is: https://hatfieldequityalliance.ecrater.com/
Hatfield Equity Alliance is a group of Hatfield, Massachusetts residents and community leaders who are committed to an inclusive, equitable community. Our goal is to create and foster safe, welcoming spaces for everyone in our town.
We come together to help initiate and sustain community conversations around race and racism, identity, bias, class, equity and inclusion.
We seek to listen and engage, to promote learning and understanding, and to play a part in building a community that is more caring, respectful and welcoming to all who live in or visit Hatfield.